Chamomile Flowers
by Natures Way
Gentle Relaxant And Digestive Stimulant
Nature's Way Chamomile Flowers uses German Chamomile because it contains the highest levels of active components, including the heat-sensitive Azulene, which is the blue chamomile essential oil. The phytochemical constituents in chamomile also include flavonoids, coumarins, plant acids, fatty acids, cyanogenic glycosides, choline, tannin, and salicylate derivatives
Chamomile acts medicinally as a tonic, anodyne, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-allergenic, and sedative. Traditionally, a mild infusion of the herb has been safely used to calm restless children, and to ease colic and teething pain in babies. It is also effective in relieving acid indigestion and abdominal pain. Its carminative properties relieve intestinal gas, and it helps in cases of diarrhea, constipation, and peptic ulcers
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